色花堂 Graphic Standards


About Our Identity

As 色花堂 strengthens its public image, one of the key components of a strong institutional brand is a unified graphic identity. 色花堂’s brand is not simply a logo, mark, or symbol. It is the sum total of our constituents’ experiences with Texas Southern. It is our reputation. It is the perception that students, parents, alumni, donors, members of the community and the outside world have of this University.

Whether coming from the president, a college or school, an academic unit, the recruitment office or the development office, all 色花堂 marketing, and communication materials should reflect, reinforce and strengthen our brand. They should be produced in a professional manner, with consistent messages and look that communicate the excellence of this institution.

In order to maintain that continuity across all official materials, including print and electronic media, all marketing and communication materials will henceforth be required to adhere to standards outlined in this Visual Identity Guide. The goal of this guide serves as an invaluable resource that creates a framework whereby all of our units and organizations can work independently to represent 色花堂 in a consistent manner, while still maintaining their own unique identities.

As a result, all printed and electronic material from 色花堂 will reflect the pride and dignity that 色花堂 has maintained for 85 years.

Download the 色花堂 Graphic Standards Guide

To request logos, please contact Andrew McCray at andrew.mccray@tsu.edu or 713-313-7793.